6 Questions You Need to Ask Before Starting with Live Streaming Event Services

6 Questions You Need to Ask Before Starting with Live Streaming Event Services

You may have heard a little or a lot about live streaming.

You might even know what it is and how it works, but you’re not quite sure if this new service is right for your company. Well, we’re here to help! We’ve created an easy-to-use checklist so you can fully understand the benefits of bringing live streaming into your business plan as well as potentially changing the way you do things from now on.

1) What do I want to accomplish?

Live streaming has been used by companies for decades as a marketing tool that will ultimately capture an audience’s attention and pique their interest in what you have to offer. We call it “captivating” just like movies and TV shows do to draw you in. Your live stream should tell a story that will be highly interesting and engaging for your target audience.

2) Who is my audience?

Once you have your plan, it’s time to figure out who exactly it will entertain or inform. There are many different types of people who watch streams including but not limited to: viewers watching online, at the office (while multi-tasking), during commutes (in places like subways), on their break or lunchtime, college students checking out the latest news. The list goes on. Basically, if you can think of an untapped group of people whose attention you want – then this is where live streaming comes into play. You now need to know who is watching.

3) What type of event should I live stream?

When it comes to choosing the perfect event, there are many different types you can choose from including product launch, press conference, artistic performance or show (i.e. fashion shows), sporting events (like the Olympics or World Cup), concerts and recitals. If you’re unsure which shows will work best for your brand, try doing market research with focus groups! This could help you discover what type of media interests people most now – as well as in the future. You may even find that this service becomes an invaluable asset to your company once it gains popularity amongst consumers. So do some digging and see if live streaming is a good fit for you.

4) How will I broadcast it?

There are many different ways to broadcast your event online. You can do so through a video service like YouTube or Vimeo, social media platforms including Twitter, Facebook and Instagram. There are social media platforms that offer support of up to 10 HD cameras (for multiple angles), an internal instant messaging system and chat room features as well as live engagement tools such as polling and Q&A. For larger groups of people attending an event, this feature is extremely valuable since they’re able to ask questions and get answers in real-time instead of waiting for a follow-up email.

5) How will we distribute it?

There are also many different ways to distribute your live stream as well as provide updates as the event progresses. If you’re using Ustream, for example, you can publish your events directly from our platform to YouTube and social media sites including Facebook, Twitter and Instagram which makes sharing really easy. You can even embed your videos on websites or share links with viewers. In addition, you can arrange a private “corporate” broadcast where only those who have been given access link can view it – this is a great option for businesses wanting greater privacy when they host their streams. When you consider that most people now own smartphones, you may want to think about how consumers will be able to watch your broadcasts when they’re on the go.

6) And last but not least, WHY should I live stream it?

The biggest reason why companies decide to use live streaming is for engagement and brand awareness. This service offers viewers a direct interaction with your company and its products and services at no cost. When people attend in-person events like conferences or expos, there’s typically a huge line of eager attendees who wait hours just to meet their favourite YouTubers or Instagram influencers. Live streaming gives them that same level of access by bringing these stars directly into their homes. If you are hosting an event or getting together – always ask yourself if your viewer/attendees would be interested in attending (and if they’re paying to do so) – the answer may very well be yes. So there you have it. Whether it’s for engagement or brand awareness, live streaming can provide value to your company especially if you know who to target and how best to do it.

It’s clear that live streaming is a powerful tool for any business, but it can be difficult to know where to start. We’ve created this checklist of helpful tips and tricks so you’ll have everything you need when choosing your broadcast service provider or starting from scratch.

If you’re looking to take your business to the next level, a 3D studio set is perfect. Whether it’s for photography or video, they provide an amazing experience and help tell the story of your company in a way that just can’t be done with traditional 2D photos and videos alone.

If there are any questions we haven’t answered here, don’t hesitate to reach out—we’re always happy to lend our expertise in order to help businesses grow their online presence through live video streaming broadcasts. For more information about how we can design and build custom sets for all types of companies contact us here today!

The New Era Of 3D Virtual Studio Production

The New Era Of 3D Virtual Studio Production

3D virtual studio production has quickly evolved into a new era of digital media. It is no longer just for big-budget Hollywood films but has become a powerful tool for small businesses and entrepreneurs to create engaging and professional videos. This article will explore the basics of 3D virtual studio production and how you can use it to create high-quality marketing materials for your business.

Many small business owners are not aware of the power and potential that 3D virtual studio production can bring to their marketing campaigns.

In today’s competitive marketplace, it is extremely important for businesses to stand out from their competition. One way to do this is by creating high-quality videos that tell a compelling story about your company, products, or services.

3D virtual studio production is the next big thing in video marketing. It has been used to create some of the most memorable films and it can be used by businesses to make professional videos that will help them stand out from their competition.

Most people don’t know how powerful this tool really is, but once they learn about it they want to try it for themselves. This article will explain what 3D virtual studio production is and why you should use it for your business’s marketing materials.

The first step in creating a successful video with a 3D virtual studio setup involves planning ahead for the shoot itself. Once you have an idea of what type of content you are going to produce, like testimonials or product demonstrations, then you need to start building your set before filming begins so everything goes as smoothly as possible on camera day! The

The first step is to choose a background for your video. The type of background you choose will depend on the message you are trying to send with your video and the style that best fits your business.

Once you have chosen your set, next comes building out the 3D virtual studio itself! The final product should appear as though it was shot in a professional studio. The next step is to get the right lighting, cameras, and microphones for your project. The team you hire should already have all of these things available or be able to acquire them before shooting starts so there are no delays in production.

The final step is filming! The type of videos you produce will determine the type of camera you want to use for recording. The goal of 3D virtual studio production is to create videos that feel like you are really there at your company or on location at one of your offices or retail locations. The end result of 3D virtual studio production should be a short video highlighting exactly what your business does and why customers need it.

What’s the secret behind 3D virtual studio production?

The answer is simple: it looks professional! The combination of a well-designed set, high-quality cameras and microphones, and great lighting will cause viewers to believe that your video was shot in a professional studio. The best part is that you can do it all in-house, saving money on expensive camera rental fees and other production costs. The team at this studio came up with the idea to use 3D virtual studio production because they saw other companies doing it successfully and realized how powerful it could be for their customers. It has allowed them to create some of the highest-quality videos in their industry.

Now that you know how powerful 3D virtual studio production can be, why not try it for yourself and see what video marketing magic you can pull off? The 3dvirtualproduction wants to see your company succeed and they want to help it along the way! For more information click the link here.

How To Create a Virtual Tour of Your Business?

How To Create a Virtual Tour of Your Business?

There’s no doubt about it – in today’s digital age, online presence is everything. And when it comes to your business, a virtual tour is one of the most effective ways to give potential customers a glimpse into what you have to offer. But how do you go about creating a virtual tour of your business? Here are a few tips to get you started.

Creating a virtual tour of your business is a great way to give potential customers a view of your company. By using photography and video, you can show off your products and services, as well as the interior of your office or store. In this blog post, we’ll discuss how to create a virtual tour of your business using free or low-cost tools. We’ll also provide tips on how to market your virtual tour online. Continue reading for more information on how to create a virtual tour that will help promote your business! Let’s get started!

Virtual tours give your audience a visual representation of how your business looks before they visit the actual location, which makes for a strong first impression that can influence whether or not they choose to use your service.

Adding a virtual tour to your Google My Business page may appear simple at first glance, but taking some attractive 360-degree images that represent your business well will take some time and effort. Here’s a quick tutorial on how to make your own virtual tour, as well as some reasons why you should do so for your company.

The first thing you should do before starting to take photos for your Google My Business Virtual Tour is to make sure you meet the image requirements. This is made up of the following items:

  1. Images must have a minimum resolution of 7.5 Megapixels and a 2:1 aspect ratio and images should not exceed 75 megabytes in size
  2. To put it another way, if you want your photos to appear on your Google My Business listing, you’ll need high-quality images. High-resolution images allow your audience to see each aspect of your business more clearly and create a positive impression.

  • After you’ve determined your image requirements, the next step before putting together your virtual tour is to take the photos. You’ll need a good camera that can capture panoramic 360-degree images.
  • Some of the most advanced smartphones have cameras with resolutions of 8-12 megapixels, allowing you to take high-quality photos right from your pocket. You’ll need to download apps like 360 Panorama to give these phones the ability to take 360-degree photos. You can immediately share the photo on social media sites like Facebook or directly to Google Street View after taking it.
  • While smartphones are convenient and inexpensive, using a 360-degree camera is the best way to capture these panoramic images. It is best to use a tripod to ensure that you have the proper height and that you are in the best location to capture your ideal images.
  • After you’ve captured the perfect images for your Virtual Tour, upload them to your Google My Business page. To get started, go to the home page and click “Photos.”
  • Click “360” in the Photos bar, which will be the location of all of your 360-degree shots for your company. You can also use a variety of image and video options, such as interior and exterior images, as well as images of your team at work.
  • You’ll be able to see all of the 360-degree images of your business created by you and your customers once you enter the 360 sections. Click the blue plus icon on the right side to add your panoramic photos.
  • You’ll be taken to the upload section after clicking, where you can upload your photos. It’s important to remember that your images must adhere to Google’s guidelines. This simply means that all photos on your Google My Business page should be appropriate.
  • You can now view your photos on your Google My Business Page and even add them to Google Street View after they’ve been posted. Using the Google Street View app, you can add your images to Street View, allowing more users to see your business. The next step is to upload your photo after downloading it from the Google Play Store. To upload your image, select “Import 360 photos” from the camera icon in the bottom right corner.

  1. After you’ve decided on an option, the next step is to choose an image from the album. If you want to highlight more than one aspect of your business, you can choose multiple images.
  2. The next step is to pin your business’s location on the map, which entails moving the red icon to the correct location.
  3. After you’ve chosen your location, you can finally share your image with your users. This is a quick and simple process that will only take a few minutes of your time but will give your potential clients a good impression of your company.

Why Virtual Tours Are Important

Here are some important reasons why you should have a virtual tour to help your business now that you’ve set it up.

Improve Your Visibility

The virtual tour’s main goal is to give potential clients a good visual impression of your company. People today have so many options thanks to technology and the abundance of businesses everywhere they go that being able to find a way to stand out will always give you a competitive advantage.

Many businesses still do not use virtual tours on their Google My Business profiles, which can have an impact on how many customers they attract. Giving your potential clients a glimpse of what you have to offer makes a big difference when it comes to first impressions. This is also beneficial to your local SEO, especially in today’s highly competitive business environment.

Efficient and low-cost

Because you can take high-quality panoramic shots on your phone with the help of simple apps, you can quickly add virtual tours to your business with only a few edits and refinements. In fact, most of the apps you’ll need to install on your phone are free, making it one of the most cost-effective ways to promote your company.

The Most Important Takeaway

A virtual tour may appear to be just another frill that doesn’t add much value. Users, on the other hand, use these types of features to learn more about your company. This guide will come in handy if you haven’t yet added your virtual tour to your Google My Business page.

Leave a comment below if you have any questions about Virtual Tour tools or virtual reality in general, and we’ll talk or contact you.

How Retail Sales Are Affected by Virtual Reality Technology

How Retail Sales Are Affected by Virtual Reality Technology

Virtual Reality is making its way into gaming, movie theaters, shopping, and education, as well as offering retailers new ways to attract customers. When making a large purchase online, people look for detailed product descriptions, video reviews, and colorful images. The difference between winning and losing comes down to having rich and engaging content. So, what’s new in the world of virtual reality in the retail world?

The past few years have seen a significant increase in VR technology, with companies such as Sony and Facebook creating headsets for the public. Retail stores are beginning to catch onto this trend and implement VR into their marketing plans.

Generally speaking, the virtual reality industry is still in its early stages, with major players such as Oculus, Samsung, and HTC struggling to pique customer interest. On the other hand, virtual reality and augmented reality are gaining traction like never before, with thousands of headsets sold and the term V-commerce coined for future endeavors. Companies such as North Face, Alibaba, and Lowe’s use virtual reality to promote their brands. The ultimate goal is to create virtual stores where customers can browse and purchase goods.

In retail, virtual reality is expected to lower marketing costs, reduce product returns, and provide better analytics and data. Though opinions differ, some are enthusiastic and see virtual reality as the future of retail, while others see it as a passing fad. In any case, retailers are interested in VR because of its sci-fi aspect, which piques people’s interest and encourages sales.

V-commerce (virtual reality commerce/retail) is still in its infancy, but it has already had an impact. Whether or not virtual reality takes off, businesses should be better prepared to implement v-commerce and provide customers with what they want. After all, 70% of them want to use virtual reality to shop for clothes and accessories.

However, virtual reality for retail is still a work in progress. Alibaba’s Buy+ project is far from perfect, and the products available are limited. However, technology advances at a breakneck pace, and VR will need to overcome user acceptance issues as well as incorporate tactile feedback to improve the experience. The main challenges are that VR headsets are uncomfortable and require hardware, as well as that they are expensive. Google, HTC, Samsung, and Apple are all working on low-cost standalone headsets, which is a good sign.

VR is the next big thing for retail and marketplaces such as Amazon could be left behind. It’s not a fad because it has the potential to revolutionize how people shop, offering them new ways to engage with brands and purchase products. The future of virtual reality for retail is about more than just experiencing things in amazing new ways. Virtual Reality will explore not only the way you shop but the way you experience brands and products.

Since VR provides a sense of presence, it allows customers to “try on” clothes or test out furniture before they buy them. The possibilities are endless, as customers feel as though they are in the store and able to touch the products. Some brands, such as IKEA, have created virtual reality apps where you can visualize your living room or kitchen before moving items around. This is a great way for customers to make sure everything fits and works together properly.

VR allows customers to “try on ” clothes or test out furniture before they buy them. The possibilities are endless, as customers feel as though they are in the store and able to touch the products. VR allows online shopping a “place,” which is a whole new way of experiencing content and engaging with brands, with few downsides.

As retail and e-commerce continue to evolve, the way consumers shop is changing dramatically. Virtual reality technology in retail may be on your radar — if not already — as a new trend that will change how people purchase products and engage with brands. With more than 50% of millennials interested in virtual reality shopping experiences, it’s important for retailers to prepare now so they don’t miss out on this opportunity later on. We can help you learn about how VR might work for your business by providing demos, training sessions, or consulting services tailored just for your company’s needs. Contact us today and explore partnering together!

5 Tips for a Winning Business Presentation with 3D Virtual Production Set

5 Tips for a Winning Business Presentation with 3D Virtual Production Set

Do you have a business presentation coming up and want to make sure it’s a success? When giving a presentation in person, you have a captive audience — you still need to engage your audience, but they are stuck with you for the duration. However, with virtual presentations, your audience has a greater chance of wandering. You now have to compete for their attention, ears, hearts, and minds against shorter attention spans, more distractions at home and at work, and competing priorities.

Here are five expert tips for making your next virtual presentation a success:

  • Get the Lighting Right: As a presenter, it’s critical that your audience can clearly see you. Make sure you have good front lighting, which means the light is shining directly on your face. Close the shades if you have your back to a window. While natural light is often the best option, if your home office lacks natural light and you give a lot of virtual presentations, consider investing in supplemental lighting.

  • Know Your Technology: Nothing ruins a presentation more quickly than a presenter who struggles with the technology. This is a show, so make sure you know how to put on a good show. A dry run is required to ensure that you are familiar with the platform’s features. It’s best to delegate technology to a co-host (or producer or moderator) so you can concentrate on your presentation. Make sure you practice with the same technical setup (computer and internet connection) as when you give the presentation.

  • Try animation: You want to present with a little energy and animation, just like you would in a live presentation. People will easily disengage and tune out if your voice is too slow or monotonous. Keeping people engaged virtually necessitates being engaged yourself.

  • You should utilize multiple systems: If you’re presenting using slides, make sure someone else has a copy in case the internet connection goes down and you have to call in. Make your slides as attractive as possible if you’re going to use them. Use high-resolution pictures and keep the amount of text on each slide to a bare minimum if applicable.

  • Be Yourself and Have Fun: Audiences connect to authenticity, just as they do in face-to-face presentations, so be yourself! Allow your personality to shine. Have fun with it. Others will enjoy the presentation if you appear to be enjoying it. According to research, people who are happy retain information better than those who are bored or disinterested, so model the energy you want to create. You set the tone for the audience.

Remember that all presentations, whether in person or virtually, are performances. And all of your performances are for the benefit of your audience. Their time is valuable, so make the most of it by giving the best presentation possible. You must find ways to create genuine audience connection, engagement, and value regardless of the type of presentation you are giving. You can also try inviting questions from the audience at key points during your presentations as well as making eye contact with individuals when relevant instead of speaking generally to everyone in attendance. We’re here if you need help creating 3D Virtual Production Set for any event! Give us a call today!

Why 3D Virtual Studio Live Streaming is Better Than Normal Live Streaming

Why 3D Virtual Studio Live Streaming is Better Than Normal Live Streaming

There are many reasons to choose 3D virtual studio live streaming for your business. With this technology, you can create a more engaging and interactive experience for your audience. They will feel like they are right there in the room with you, and this makes for a more powerful connection. Additionally, 3D virtual studio live streaming is a more efficient way to reach your audience. You can reach more people in less time, and they will be more likely to stick around until the end of your presentation. So if you’re looking to make a powerful impression on your audience, consider using 3D virtual studio live streaming.

There are two main options for live streaming your business events, products, or services: regular live streaming or 3D virtual studio live streaming. Both have advantages and disadvantages, but when all factors are considered, 3D virtual studio live streaming wins every time. This is why:

  1. 3D is gaining popularity

According to all reports, since the outbreak of COVID-19, demand for these up-and-coming 3D virtual event platforms has skyrocketed. The platform has seen a 653 percent increase in virtual events and a 12x increase in monthly active users. In contrast to some long-standing enterprise tech companies that still house everything on-prem, newer 3D platforms are cloud-native. Counting on cloud powerhouses. 3D virtual event platforms can scale on-demand to accommodate any surge in demand. So if you’re looking to reach a large audience in a short amount of time, 3D virtual studio live streaming is the way to go.

  • 3D creates unforgettable experiences

So, what’s the big deal about 3D? It’s all about making those lasting impressions. Due to spatial presence, users in virtual and 3D environments have improved learning outcomes and memory retention, according to recent research. Taking on the role of an avatar and interacting in a 3D world activates parts of the brain that are normally reserved for physical interactions. The ability to customize and animate avatars, as well as peer-to-peer interaction, allows for more self-expression.

3D is a great option if you want to recreate the benefits of in-person networking and create 1:1 connection during your virtual event.  3D virtual studio live streaming can help you achieve a sense of presence and social connectedness that is unparalleled in 2D.

  • 3D is more efficient

Not only does 3D create an unforgettable experience for your audience, but it’s also more efficient for you. With 3D virtual studio live streaming, you can reach more people in less time. 3D also allows for more engaging and interactive presentations, which means that people are more likely to stick around until the end of your presentation. So if you’re looking to make a powerful impression on your audience, 3D virtual studio live streaming is the way to go.

  • An invitation to be inventive

Now that Zoom fatigue has set in, it’s time to think outside the box about how to create customer-centric, memorable virtual experiences. Only our lack of imagination and fear of trying something new limit the tools and technology available. Take a chance. Participate in the XR revolution. There’s no going back now.  3D virtual studio live streaming is the future, and it’s time to embrace it.

3D virtual studio live streaming is the future of live streaming. With this technology, you can create a more engaging and interactive experience for your audience. They will feel like they are right there in the room with you, and this makes for a more powerful connection. 3D virtual studio live streaming is a more efficient way to reach your audience. You can reach more people in less time, and they will be more likely to stick around until the end of your presentation.

If you’re looking to make a powerful impression on your audience, 3D virtual studio live streaming is the way to go. With this technology, you can create one-of-a-kind content with high production values that will be unforgettable. This means more engagement and conversions for your brand! Contact us today if you want help making an impactful first impression with 3D virtual studio live streaming.