There’s no doubt about it – in today’s digital age, online presence is everything. And when it comes to your business, a virtual tour is one of the most effective ways to give potential customers a glimpse into what you have to offer. But how do you go about creating a virtual tour of your business? Here are a few tips to get you started.

Creating a virtual tour of your business is a great way to give potential customers a view of your company. By using photography and video, you can show off your products and services, as well as the interior of your office or store. In this blog post, we’ll discuss how to create a virtual tour of your business using free or low-cost tools. We’ll also provide tips on how to market your virtual tour online. Continue reading for more information on how to create a virtual tour that will help promote your business! Let’s get started!

Virtual tours give your audience a visual representation of how your business looks before they visit the actual location, which makes for a strong first impression that can influence whether or not they choose to use your service.

Adding a virtual tour to your Google My Business page may appear simple at first glance, but taking some attractive 360-degree images that represent your business well will take some time and effort. Here’s a quick tutorial on how to make your own virtual tour, as well as some reasons why you should do so for your company.

The first thing you should do before starting to take photos for your Google My Business Virtual Tour is to make sure you meet the image requirements. This is made up of the following items:

  1. Images must have a minimum resolution of 7.5 Megapixels and a 2:1 aspect ratio and images should not exceed 75 megabytes in size
  2. To put it another way, if you want your photos to appear on your Google My Business listing, you’ll need high-quality images. High-resolution images allow your audience to see each aspect of your business more clearly and create a positive impression.

  • After you’ve determined your image requirements, the next step before putting together your virtual tour is to take the photos. You’ll need a good camera that can capture panoramic 360-degree images.
  • Some of the most advanced smartphones have cameras with resolutions of 8-12 megapixels, allowing you to take high-quality photos right from your pocket. You’ll need to download apps like 360 Panorama to give these phones the ability to take 360-degree photos. You can immediately share the photo on social media sites like Facebook or directly to Google Street View after taking it.
  • While smartphones are convenient and inexpensive, using a 360-degree camera is the best way to capture these panoramic images. It is best to use a tripod to ensure that you have the proper height and that you are in the best location to capture your ideal images.
  • After you’ve captured the perfect images for your Virtual Tour, upload them to your Google My Business page. To get started, go to the home page and click “Photos.”
  • Click “360” in the Photos bar, which will be the location of all of your 360-degree shots for your company. You can also use a variety of image and video options, such as interior and exterior images, as well as images of your team at work.
  • You’ll be able to see all of the 360-degree images of your business created by you and your customers once you enter the 360 sections. Click the blue plus icon on the right side to add your panoramic photos.
  • You’ll be taken to the upload section after clicking, where you can upload your photos. It’s important to remember that your images must adhere to Google’s guidelines. This simply means that all photos on your Google My Business page should be appropriate.
  • You can now view your photos on your Google My Business Page and even add them to Google Street View after they’ve been posted. Using the Google Street View app, you can add your images to Street View, allowing more users to see your business. The next step is to upload your photo after downloading it from the Google Play Store. To upload your image, select “Import 360 photos” from the camera icon in the bottom right corner.

  1. After you’ve decided on an option, the next step is to choose an image from the album. If you want to highlight more than one aspect of your business, you can choose multiple images.
  2. The next step is to pin your business’s location on the map, which entails moving the red icon to the correct location.
  3. After you’ve chosen your location, you can finally share your image with your users. This is a quick and simple process that will only take a few minutes of your time but will give your potential clients a good impression of your company.

Why Virtual Tours Are Important

Here are some important reasons why you should have a virtual tour to help your business now that you’ve set it up.

Improve Your Visibility

The virtual tour’s main goal is to give potential clients a good visual impression of your company. People today have so many options thanks to technology and the abundance of businesses everywhere they go that being able to find a way to stand out will always give you a competitive advantage.

Many businesses still do not use virtual tours on their Google My Business profiles, which can have an impact on how many customers they attract. Giving your potential clients a glimpse of what you have to offer makes a big difference when it comes to first impressions. This is also beneficial to your local SEO, especially in today’s highly competitive business environment.

Efficient and low-cost

Because you can take high-quality panoramic shots on your phone with the help of simple apps, you can quickly add virtual tours to your business with only a few edits and refinements. In fact, most of the apps you’ll need to install on your phone are free, making it one of the most cost-effective ways to promote your company.

The Most Important Takeaway

A virtual tour may appear to be just another frill that doesn’t add much value. Users, on the other hand, use these types of features to learn more about your company. This guide will come in handy if you haven’t yet added your virtual tour to your Google My Business page.

Leave a comment below if you have any questions about Virtual Tour tools or virtual reality in general, and we’ll talk or contact you.