You may have heard a little or a lot about live streaming.

You might even know what it is and how it works, but you’re not quite sure if this new service is right for your company. Well, we’re here to help! We’ve created an easy-to-use checklist so you can fully understand the benefits of bringing live streaming into your business plan as well as potentially changing the way you do things from now on.

1) What do I want to accomplish?

Live streaming has been used by companies for decades as a marketing tool that will ultimately capture an audience’s attention and pique their interest in what you have to offer. We call it “captivating” just like movies and TV shows do to draw you in. Your live stream should tell a story that will be highly interesting and engaging for your target audience.

2) Who is my audience?

Once you have your plan, it’s time to figure out who exactly it will entertain or inform. There are many different types of people who watch streams including but not limited to: viewers watching online, at the office (while multi-tasking), during commutes (in places like subways), on their break or lunchtime, college students checking out the latest news. The list goes on. Basically, if you can think of an untapped group of people whose attention you want – then this is where live streaming comes into play. You now need to know who is watching.

3) What type of event should I live stream?

When it comes to choosing the perfect event, there are many different types you can choose from including product launch, press conference, artistic performance or show (i.e. fashion shows), sporting events (like the Olympics or World Cup), concerts and recitals. If you’re unsure which shows will work best for your brand, try doing market research with focus groups! This could help you discover what type of media interests people most now – as well as in the future. You may even find that this service becomes an invaluable asset to your company once it gains popularity amongst consumers. So do some digging and see if live streaming is a good fit for you.

4) How will I broadcast it?

There are many different ways to broadcast your event online. You can do so through a video service like YouTube or Vimeo, social media platforms including Twitter, Facebook and Instagram. There are social media platforms that offer support of up to 10 HD cameras (for multiple angles), an internal instant messaging system and chat room features as well as live engagement tools such as polling and Q&A. For larger groups of people attending an event, this feature is extremely valuable since they’re able to ask questions and get answers in real-time instead of waiting for a follow-up email.

5) How will we distribute it?

There are also many different ways to distribute your live stream as well as provide updates as the event progresses. If you’re using Ustream, for example, you can publish your events directly from our platform to YouTube and social media sites including Facebook, Twitter and Instagram which makes sharing really easy. You can even embed your videos on websites or share links with viewers. In addition, you can arrange a private “corporate” broadcast where only those who have been given access link can view it – this is a great option for businesses wanting greater privacy when they host their streams. When you consider that most people now own smartphones, you may want to think about how consumers will be able to watch your broadcasts when they’re on the go.

6) And last but not least, WHY should I live stream it?

The biggest reason why companies decide to use live streaming is for engagement and brand awareness. This service offers viewers a direct interaction with your company and its products and services at no cost. When people attend in-person events like conferences or expos, there’s typically a huge line of eager attendees who wait hours just to meet their favourite YouTubers or Instagram influencers. Live streaming gives them that same level of access by bringing these stars directly into their homes. If you are hosting an event or getting together – always ask yourself if your viewer/attendees would be interested in attending (and if they’re paying to do so) – the answer may very well be yes. So there you have it. Whether it’s for engagement or brand awareness, live streaming can provide value to your company especially if you know who to target and how best to do it.

It’s clear that live streaming is a powerful tool for any business, but it can be difficult to know where to start. We’ve created this checklist of helpful tips and tricks so you’ll have everything you need when choosing your broadcast service provider or starting from scratch.

If you’re looking to take your business to the next level, a 3D studio set is perfect. Whether it’s for photography or video, they provide an amazing experience and help tell the story of your company in a way that just can’t be done with traditional 2D photos and videos alone.

If there are any questions we haven’t answered here, don’t hesitate to reach out—we’re always happy to lend our expertise in order to help businesses grow their online presence through live video streaming broadcasts. For more information about how we can design and build custom sets for all types of companies contact us here today!